What if i say boredom can make your life better?
I am writing this to notify my brain that i have realised that extreme boredom has made me write about boredom and also can taken me to places where thoughts are like antennas which conceives idea like a kid who listens when two adults fight. Yes ,they observe every detail. Just like that when boredom strikes, you get these thoughts out of no where which is in your subconsious mind or somwhere in your brain, floating around getting no attention before because of the constant pressure of consious mind to do things forcibly at the moment.
In simpler words, when you are not bored, you blindly enjoy the situation in which you are. Like you stay in the anti growth zone which is the most comfortable place in your mind.
"Disconnect to connect"
Once again, this is my experience and my perception of what is going on with life. I am open minded guy so suggestions and constructive criticisms are welcomed. The coming paragraphs are my observations of bored people and myself being bored at various occasions.
Boredom for some may be the enemy of their lifestyle. But from my perspective i find boredom to be like a wake up call which tells you that you are not growing or doing anything exciting and that makes me think about something that goes noticed only when bored. It tends to make us think in a way that there is always alternate reality to everything because longing and dragging thoughts.
If we take this to a concept where all this thoughts coming out of no where, is the consiousness or the universe giving us signs or answers which somehow or the other helps us in a creative and spiritual way throughout this life to sort this random lag in this fast life of ours. And this is still a topic, i have to learn more and explore more as it is mostly relies on our experience rather than books and advices.
Theres so much to learn out there.
And yet Boredom acts like a disease sometimes as you have to fight it like any other diseases, so as to get out of that mindset that its very boring here or there or this or that. Obviously Its hard most of the time to comeback to a phase from 'ok, this is fun' after initiating a 'Ok,this is boring' atittude. Its a situation where we maintain a level of insanity to make the best out of the situation.
But think , most of the time when that boredom strikes you in a way that you just sit or lay down in a way that, you think ' What am i doing with this life?' and that gives me a reality check of where am at or what am doing. So i start thinking what is that few regrets i have? What can i do about it? Where should i start again to get that contentment? Why did we not do all that? What is this boredom trying to tell me? Why am i feeling this bored? Ps.All these questions and check ins where unknowingly developed as i was a person who gets bored at everything other than doing something newly creative and when playing football. Before that i stared at walls and ceilings.
“The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits.”
-Albert Camus, The Plague
As a matter of fact am also guilty of wishful thinking when am bored. Most of them make this mistake and its loathing and easy to think life in a way we want to live but the execution and hard work will not be present in that process. Desires is whole another topic for gods sake. Later.
So there is this other side or exhausting side i had to go through because of this boredom because I felt bored almost all the time. Am not specifically pointing anything out as it is common and okay to feel bored ( Correct me if am wrong ). Constantly getting bored is not well for your day to day as it will make you slack in everything you have to do. But you got to find that intersting topic that triggers your brain to go through feelings that excites you. In order to do this you have to explore more topics that will get you bored at some point. That boredom will make you think of the varied topics you wanted to explore and takes you to new direction and vice versa.
This loop of getting bored and finding that matters is a long one (Atleast for me). And yet like every great people say at last. The balance of thinking too much or getting bored too much or doing too much all depends on the person. So do things, get bored, rethink , do more. And balance everything accordingly ( Am still trying).
As you are reading this whole thing about boredom you might have get bored.
Actually, I was also bored at one point that i had to stop writing this and made me rethink what i wrote till now. And i wrote this paragraph trying to relate with the readers as boredom is the subject of this so called article like thing. And i wanted people reading still to know that boredom can take make you do addictive things like scrolling instagram, watching reels, Watching tv, smoking and all that other shit.
But until you realise the triggers that makes you do things that you dont want to do but you still do because of feeling like theres nothing else to do. But we all know thats bullshit. You got to train that brain of yours to make it familiar of getting bored and to tackle that boredom and also to do things that will make you feel content and better at the end of the day.
That little brain of ours can make you do wonders just like me writing about this boredom. Lol.
Change your thoughts, it will help your behaviour, behaviour will make up your habits and that habits will help your mind and body.
Thus helping our brain to sprout great ideas and thoughts processes.
Its radical. Try it while you have a brain.
Watch this video if you more curious about this brain and boredom thing.